Book a Genius
Looking for temporary support or expert know-how?
Find the best qualified freelancer with Book-a-Genius and implement complex projects easily.
Learn how companies can stay sustainable using
technology and a flexible workforce
A Freelancer One-stop-shop:
Scaling made easy through a
flexible workforce
How can technology help to find and manage a flexible workforce? And how can freelancers help companies master upcoming challenges? In this white paper, you will find possible solutions for how companies can stay sustainable using technology and a flexible workforce.
Building an on-demand
Exec Summary
An on-demand workforce helps companies maintain competitiveness and drive innovation in times of demographic shifts, technological changes, and Covid-19. A summary of the study “Building an On-demand Workforce“ by Harvard Business School & Boston Consulting Group, published November 2020.

January 24, 2025

December 18, 2024